Avenue of Flags
Since 1981 the Jones Funeral Home has been honoring Memorial Day Weekend by placing the Avenue of Flags at Elm Grove Cemetery.
The staff of the Jones & Eden Funeral Home would like to thank the many volunteers who assist with the Avenue of Flags project. Special thanks to the United Presbyterian Church Sewing Circle for mending the flags in need of repair. The flags are flown in memory of the following individuals:
* indicates flag has been retired with ceremony
Joe Lukavsky
Dale Kiesey
Magnus Ahmling
Owen C. Woods
* Roy Fields
* Ray C. Miller
* James Pease
Ernest Lamansky
Harry A. Dusenbery
Lawrence E. White
Gilbert Schantz
Don Custer
Cecil Long
Glen Mace
John P. Palmer
Joseph T Dougall
* Paul Kelly
Belmont Nemecek
* Charles Marek
Bennie Miller
* Lee Little
Glen Singleton
Ernest G. Henson
* Leonard Bump
Bernard McCarty
James Buck
* Claire Buck
Charles Kennedy
Sam Sigafoose
Dick Giardino
Paul F. Evans
Robert Harvey
Marion Rapp
Harold F. Perry
* Bradford Ellis
Glenn McCall
Everett R. Burham
Leo Nardy
* Chris D. Erlenbush
* Merle Dickinson
* David McGaffey
John McGaffey
* Earl Simerman
Loren Boone
* Richard Maxwell
Rudy Tanner
Walter Johnson
Chester G. Beason
Preston Wolf
Harry Knott
* A.R. Wolf
Raymond Rains
Jacob S. Earnest
* Lott Birney
John A. Turner
Carl H. Guther
Judy Hyde
* Mildred Swick
* Harold J. Wehr
J.M. Latta
* Hal (Beno) Williams
* Don Boyer
* Floyd Polis
Charles Simmering
* Rev. David Neiswanger
Leslie Smithburg
* H.F. Freshwaters
* Kenneth Pfister
Neal Burton
Ed C. Miller
Jay Brewer
* Joseph M. Record
* Raymond Haifley
John Pehler
Glenn M. Ernest
Robert Bauer
* Walter H. Bruty
Howard Stewart
* John Elliott
* Richard Birney
* Bryan Swift
* Arnott Wylie
* Charles Longer
William McDole
Harry Miller
* Howard (Hap) Miller
Rex See
* William P. Barth
Layton Buffington
N. Clyde Putnam
Herschel Flanigan
*Ivan Lukavsky
Hazel Meek
Maynard Brown
* Cpt. Robert Shannon
Leslie Zook
Frederick (Jack) Zook
* Dr. Laverne Eicher
* Paul Stewart
* Charles (Ike) Nickerson
Raymond Humston
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Baker
John (Jack) H. Wagner
Lester (Tuck) Wilson
* Dr. Preston Etter
Daryl Dodder
James Harris
Mr. & Mrs. George Chalupa
Don Smithburg
* John Hughes
* Edward Wolfe
Daryl Tucker
* Howard Augustine
Stanley Richards & Olive
M. Dale Atkinson & Mable
Frank Longwell
Calvin Little
Mrs. Roy Carter
Michael Rich
Dustin Iwanowski
Howard Alterbernd
* B.E. (Dutch) Church
* John Custer
Al Stalder
Ron Perdock
George Rudiger
Homer Brinning
Alma Brinning
I.V. & Emily Farrier
* Raymond Van Brocklin
Buddy Smith
E.D. Morrison
Mrs. E.D. Morrison
Ruth French
* Albert Wehr
WWI Vets
* Meryl Shorty Steele
National Guard Vets
John Logan
Linda Lowry
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dill
Clyde H. Crile
Mr. & Mrs. Wylie Anderson
Gilbert Cavin
John Jefferies
Pete Smith
Vernon Landmesser
Clarence French
Darren Davidson
Richard Ballard
Leonard Beauregard
Sam Murphy
* Marguerite Hardy
Carl & Margaret Voorhees
Millard A. DeLashmutt
Raymond Davis
* Joseph Lang
Chester Greiff
Allan Hanson
Curtis W. Wells
Harold Wilson
R.J. Thornton
* Rex. H. Dawson
Don Rich
Mr. & Mrs. Merl Statler
Alex Dorsch
Nels B. Westermark
Warren Stewart
* Cobb Burlingame
Glenn Knupp
* Robert L. Hesseltine
* Clarence Shull
Gene Vinton
Justin M. Carr
Fred Chalupa
* Tom Dodd
Earl & Henrietta Booth
Dr. J. Lloyd
Grant Humston Jr.
Alice M. Ryan
Ray Goodwin
Floyd Fisher
Robert Lytle
E. Ray Cox
Lorraine A Greiff
* Wayne Davis
Rollie Hesseltine
Wm. & Mildred Shalla
Samuel R. Warren
Darrel & Avis Ross
Mary Kiesey
* Harold Beaty
Theodore & Gertrude Bailey
L.P. Statler
Ed & Daisy Simmering
Nancy Boock, Kathy Boock and Pamala Ray
Homer Patterson
Dennis Patterson
Elmer “Butch” Batterson
Richard J. Burns
Claire & Charlene Neff
John & Velda Davisson
Leonard & Rhonda Horak
Helen and Homer Hotle
Knotek family
Henry E. Berdo
Ruth Berdo
Wilmer, Jan and Darin Lauderman
Grant McKune
Clarence Jarrard
* Bill Patterson
* Donald M. Hayes
*Arnold Pete Smith
* Jerry J. Johnson
Duane Daering
Orville Griggs
Dennis Hawkins
Marion Hall
Logan Heilman
* Charles Crull
Don Boyer
* Daryl Burham
* Walter Carr
* Marion W. Beason
* David A. Miksch
William McConnell
R.C. & Freda Kelsey
Robert Roe
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Nelson & Mr. & Mrs. John Kurtz
Robert Morgan
Bernard Singleton
Merl W. Shelman
* Raymond Moriarty
Catherine Fritz
Jim & Kenny Kauffman
* Harold Kerr
Bob Hansen
Gail & Gary Shull
John J. Mattes
* Lee Mangold
* Keith Kirkwood Clark
Richard (Pinky) and Mary Lee Moore
Donna Kleese
Paul W. Grossheim
Linda J. Grossheim
Herbert J. Peiffer
Dr. Marvin L. Tweeton
Vernon Ralph Beemblossom
Steven Fenno
Moon & Bea Shafer
Stanley Wallace
Raymond Minick
* Charles Snyder
Max and Gladice Cook
Diana Lee Miller
* Donald O. Blum
Edward L. Miller
* Max J. Bain and Sherry Bauer
Kenneth Stark
Owen G. & Blanche M. Grecian
James Hotchkiss
“Skeeter” Dougall
Raymond A. Stalder
William Carlton Bump
Walter Doak
Ruth Ann Anderson
Gary Swift
Homer A. Earnest
Dr. A.C. Peterson
* Robert Erlenbush
Harold (Johnny) Johnson
Lewis & Alma Dempsey
* Donald Bishop Sr.
Paul & Jeanne Vaughn
Robert & Joy C. Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Logan Ahrens and Mrs. Phyllis Mowery
Steven E. Boyer
John Young
Beatrice George
Morton Carr
Don and Ferne Minick
* Lyle W. Brock
Albert Thompson
Harley Davidson
Walter and Jane Duvall Mr.& Mrs. Walter Kiesey
* Howard Coakley
Kenneth Patterson
Joanne Genkinger
Stephen Viggers
Chester, Sidney & Ronald Spangler
Paul Shearer
Glen Thompson
Robert Varney
Steven Boyer
Ruby Thomas
* William Gallagher
Richard (Dick) Young
* Everette “Skeet” Chorpening
Vernon D. Seberg
Raymond Gerdes
Frank Dea
Elmer Stalder
Tom & Georginia Stirling
Morris Beenblossom
George B. Ryan
Gene Crossett
Mildred Miller
Deceased Members – Class of 1941
Stanton G. Kiesey
Eleanor Deal
* Mervin C. Grosscup
Robert E. Peiffer
Dale F. & Mae Robertson
Donald J. Seydel
Edmund Morrison Jr.
Dale Stufflebeam
Harold Cortum
Merle & Catherine Sheetz
John Knott
David “Mac”McGaffey
Ralph “Swede” and Bertha Nelson
Raymond G. Enfield
Allen, Ralph and Rodney Woods
Richard D. Brinning
Russel Dale Heyde
Werner Lowry
D.A. Augustine
* Ralph J. Moothart
Harold & Vera Beaty
G.M. (Don) Wylie
Orval Meeks
Lester R. Imgham
Hattie & Glen Cuddeback
* Kenneth H. Davison
William Putman
*Harold Boyd
Leonida Redlinger
Ruth, Ernest and May Gideon
Joe Martin
Hazel Hahn
Raymond Kiesey
Ernest and Irene Green
Brain Witthoft
Ralph Erlenbush
Karl Lovick
Donald Bealer
Red Boileau
Dale Statler
Irv Whitham
Roy C. Steele
Fred Graham
Wilbut Wright
Dale & Gertrude Darbyshire
Donald Phillips
Jean Lang
Cloyce Tinnes
Robert Birney
Merle Blieu
Donald Bartholomew
John & Loretta Renoux
And Victor Renoux
Robert McKowen
Kenneth Cline
Keith A. Crone
William Wright Brown
Edward & Cecile Chalupa
George Westen
Willard Friese
Raymond & Helen Bonar
L.H. Thornton
Everette D. Miller
Dr. George Krogmeier
Ralph Newman
Robert G. & Mildred Malvey
Howard Pearson
Tom B. Anders
Floyd & Gertrude Murphy
Glenn Murphy
Harold C .Sojka
Richard Long
William Zickefoose
Ray Van Engen
R. Dean Cox
Marsh Atkinson
Norman Schoonover
Fred, William, Jack & Richard Longer
Jack & Verona Fuhr
Stanley Fuhr
Dale Fuhr
John Prochaska
Lawrence Zehr
Tom Macha
Harold Ahrens
Harold Wolf
*Harold Jarvis
Daniel Krotz
Carl Corpman , Geneva & Betty Joyce
Richard T. Harvey
*James Birney
Berdene Long Ward
Susan Meeker
Mr. & Mrs. L.L. Loveless and Marjorie,
Mr.& Mrs.Earl Loveless
Clarence & Marian Logan
Elwood Kleese
Phillip and Cathy Crossett
Edward A. Peiffer
Howard C. Hotle
Donald Mitchell
William Brinning
Virgil E. Davis
*Robert Hammer
Mae Janecek
Albert Janecek
*Stanley Zager
Kenneth Cuddeback
Merritt & Dolores McDaniel
Walter Palmer
Robert Nicola
Douglas Vittetoe
Arlo & Bertha Phelps
Rodney Davisson
William McCall
Ted & Mildred Morgan
Wayne W. Weaver and the Weaver family
* Lawson Crone
* John Stewart
*Al Baldridge
* Trive A. Jones
* Ed Brown
* Richard Kolosick
* Richard L. Creech
* W.A. McGinnis
* Rudy Knottnerus
* Joseph & Ann Reiner
* Charles Minick
* Walter McFarland
* Frank & Samuel Rice
* James Clark
* David Livingston
* Russell Knott
Charles W. Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Collett
Ashley Dalrymple
Jan L. Knutson
Don L. Hanson
Laurene Wells
Charles J. & Gladys M. Wulf
F.W. Capper
Burge Hammond
Albert & Charles Franzen
Betty Dorsch
Alfred & Leo Fritz
Mariella Klopfenstein
Phil Nelson
Roy & Lillian Havel
Douglas Blankenhorn
Charles Gibson
*Merle & Lucille Warner
Delbert Truman Hysell
*Martha Boshart
Gerald and Charles Hahn
Earnie Beemblossom
Leland Sheetz
William Preston Harvey
Dwight S. Murray
Robert Cheyney
Anne Chalupa
Leonard Blackwell
Geneva Corpman
Dave & Barb Williams
Robert Macon
Daniel Curry
*Roger Lance
*Maurice Meyer
Leonard DeHoet
*Tom Randall
Sam Weeks
Robert Scranton
Ardie Lovick
Luke & Mike Weber
Maxine Steele
Harry Levy
Ralph & Catharine Kleese
Dale Doggett
Lloyd D. Beenblossom
Raymond E. Whisler
Ruth L. Holden
Glen Williams
Harold Klopfenstein
Loren Robertson
Robert L. Anderson
Daryl E. Longer
Raymond Kephart
Harrison “Ike” Knott
Edwin J. Peiffer
Huber D. Evans Sr.
Paul F. Evans Sr.
Dale W. Sheetz
James Henry Dawson
William Finke
Deceased Members WHS Class of 1961
Carl H. Little
Earl K. Martin
Leona M. Gardner
Catherine A. Kiesey
Charles Jeffries
John Robert Day
Allen Atkinson
Glen Palm
John & Charlotte Beemblossom
Woodrow W. & Verna M. Crone
Daniel Curry
Robert E. Kleese
Allan Ferguson
Lloyd Miller
George Miller
John E. Earnest
Michael L. Kaufman
Chet & Imo Spangler
Ronnie Crawford
Ned J. Kovar
*Everett W. Davison
Hubert Sines
Rev. Kenneth E. Goodwin
Curtis P. Mineart
Hubert Redlinger
Maudie Redlinger
Don Lukavsky
Dale Lance
Robert E. Porter
Donald E. Pencil
John Minick
Harold and Rosella Moore
Richard Knupp
Eugene Grecian
Dr. G.J. Nemmers
Larry Miller
James J. and Mary E. Moore
Harry and Vera Drake
Edward Chabal
James Michael Leary
Irvin W. White
Alvin Vittetoe
Lester Butterbaugh
Bert Hahn
Aileen Shull
Daniel R. Smothers
Jim Butler
Lloyd Miksch
Dale M. Smith
Kenneth G. & Irene E. Bakehouse
Koehler family
All Veterans
Dwain Tschantz
Bill & Mildred Whalen
Lewis & Kathryn Sutton
Omar & Dorothy Black
Harold Gilmere
Tom Huggins
Martin James Stout, and Cecil & Becky Long
Donald Junior Buster
Leo J. Schumacher
Merl Shelman
Lester L. Worley
Stanley Chabal
Peggy Miksch
Neal R. Lampkin
Art Witthoft
Joanna & Myron White Sr.
Ron Smith Carl, Walter and George Koehler Wendel and Cedric Guy Dale Kerr Darwin D. Vacha Thomas E. English Ray Carter Joseph Scranton Clarence Witthoft John Whittaker John Duvall Daryl Dunbar Jim Gingerich Robert "Smokey" Glandon Wayne Gamon Marvin Brown Leonard Llewellyn Robert Huber Ralph W. Greenlee Nick Gevock Evelyn LukavskyJohn O.Egli
Fred. M. Shafer Robert E. Thomas William & Clara Potratz Clarence & Eilene Wilson Walter & Dorothy Lance Melvin Jaspering Darlyne Jaspering Max & Mildred See Marion W. Martin M. Arlo Doughty Gary SheetzJohn Beliel
Tom Tanner
Earl "Speed" Adam
Robert Buffington
Sikke Temple
Lawerence Swift
Alexander "Harold" Stephens
Raymond Whisler
Joan Collett
Carl and Helen Dallmeyer
Alice McFarland
Allen Darbyshire
Melo, Ireta and Gary Janecek
Howard "Junior" Custer
Doyle and Helen Brown
Florence Sheets
Joe Goodlander
James "Jim" Knowles
Yale H. Jarvis
Jim Dempsey